Anthology Participation Agreement
Please review the Anthology Participation Agreement.
If you agree, fill in the pertinent details, save it to your computer, sign, date, and upload only page three in the comments section below.
You may take a photo of the page and upload it if you are unable to scan it.
Agreement page three-Eve Wile
The anthology agreement for Jackie Raymond.
The anthology agreement for Deborah Hunt Repp.
Here is the anthology agreement
I have attached a photo of the third page of the agreement.
Signed Agreement P.3
Here is my page three of the agreement.
Doccusign agreement
amended title
Martindale-Anthology Agreement – page 3
Folkerts – Signed Page 3 – Anthology Participation Agreement
1567 Words for Anthology
Hope it goes over bigtime! ha ha
Brief Bio for Anthology.
This is my story for Anthology, 1570 words
Deborah Hunt Repp HeadShot for Anthology
Signed agreement
Agreement P3-only_signed
Anthology Agreement
Here is page 3 of my agreement.
participation agreement
Photo of page three attached.