First Tuesday Write & Read

Welcome to the First Tuesday Write and Read,

free virtual life story write-ins, feedback sessions,
prompt library, and lots of fun!

To motivate and inspire you to write your life stories, Writing Your Life and Life Writers invite you to join our free virtual write-ins and feedback sessions on the first Tuesday of every month.

Connect with others from across the US, Canada, and beyond who wish to put their memories into writing.

By registering, you also gain access to a library of life story writing growing prompts from past First Tuesday Write and Read sessions.

These events are open to all who sign up, and no prior writing experience is necessary.

Our motto is:

The only way to do this wrong is not to do it at all!

After a short introduction, we share a writing prompt with the group. You’ll have thirty minutes to write independently, using either the prompt we provide or drafting new material on a topic of your choice.

Then, we break into small groups of two or three to share what you wrote and receive feedback from group members for fifteen minutes per person.

Don’t miss this fun and unique opportunity to connect and write together on the first Tuesday of every month from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. ET.

You only have to register once, and you will be sent access information each month.

To register for our free First Tuesday Write and Read events, click on Create Account, enter the required information, and create a user ID and password you will use to access each session.

If you receive a message about your email address being already in use, click on I have a user ID and password and use that info to sign on.

I look forward to writing with you on the first Tuesday of every month.

Enter your desired password twice. Must be at least 8 characters long.

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