September Stories
Like apples ready for harvest—pick your most scrumptious memories, combine them with all necessary ingredients, and create a tasty treat for your reader’s eyes and ears.
By the third Tuesday of the month at 11:59 p.m. ET, post your story in the comments section below. You must include a message in the comments box for the upload to work.
Your story should:
- be no more than 1,250 words
- be formatted using a twelve-point font in Times New Roman, Cambria, Calisto, or other fonts with serifs.
- be double-spaced
- include page numbers
The following day, return to this page to learn who your feedback partners are, download your group’s stories, and begin reviewing their stories.
If you miss the deadline to upload a story and register for Feedback Group, you will not be assigned to a group. However, you can still attend and bring your story to the feedback session, read it aloud, and receive verbal feedback. You will be placed in a group with other “walk-in” attendees.
This is also a place where all Life Writers can come to enjoy fellow members’ stories. Then, if you care to, leave the authors a note of encouragement.
Hersey Park is my feedback story for September.
I am so sorry, I sent in a micro-memoir 300-word story in by mistake. I would appreciate it if you could read the one I had originally meant to submit. Thanks all.
this is a fun story and an important window into the difficulty of preparing kids for adulthood. I’m glad you didn’t cave. A story well told and a parable for young folks with young children.
Sorry, I spelled ducat wrong.
A story of me telling my son about when he learned how to skate.
Well done. Like Judy’s story, you discuss teaching your kids and allowing them to fail until they succeed.
Cute…but if I give you feedback now, I’ll be speechless on Tuesday.
I missed tonight’s book study & class. Peg volunteered me to be a dealer at our neighborhood casino night. One of my discussions triggered the attached story. I was originally going to submit an edit. I’m pretty happy with this first draft. Hope you enjoy the story.
I am shocked…Shocked I tell you, that you were banned anywhere. You gave away the game with “the bad-boy night out”. Are you sure you weren’t in my unit? You told a fun tale John.
This Month’s story
You’ve written a very nice survey of your friends and neighbors. Now you can write specific stories about each of them.
Here is my September story
Attached is my story for September titled “Driving My Bossy Computer.” Enjoy.
They’re gonna take over. Wait until your car wants to go to the beach when you want to go to Publix.
Very well done. A very conversational style.
P.S. We bought our first impractical car, a convertible mini cooper.The onboard computer could run the space station.
Snazzy, Norma!
Sorry, forgot to push paperclip before posting. Here goes again, my most scrumptious memory, first harvest.
Beautifully written Jackie. Sweet and touching.
Here goes, my most scrumptious memory, first harvest, my existence. Enjoy
We’ll talk on Tuesday. But for now, I’ll just say, “AWESOME.”
After writing so many micro memoirs, a 1,200-word story seems sooooooo long. This is a story from back in 1976-1977
Lotsa good metaphor throughout. You told the time-period well. Good handling of the race issue.
Dave your story gave a snapshot of the people and time you were there. Well done.
Hey, I made it with the first three, a real first for me. Usually, I post at 11:59p.m. deadline.
Dave enjoyed your Store at 6th and Center. Well written, description with cliches fantastic, and I especially enjoyed the way you described the grasshopped that hopped, flipped, grabbed it prize and hopped off on its way. You are such a great writer. LOLJackie
OOOOOPZ! I forgot to mention that my snakebite came from a black snake…not a rattlesnake.
WARNING WILL ROGERS!!! THIS IS NOT MY STORY. I just stumbled across this on a site named Quora. If you read my story 17/76, you’ll understand why it caught my eye. Thought I’d share it with yinz.
I just had a conversation with my oncologist. He asked if I had any new aches and pains. Well, YES. But how do i tell the difference between normal and not? At this age you dont. It.was a good visit. All clear.
Glad to hear all is well, Dave.
Lil’ sometimes Big Bro’ Hey we both made it in the first three, Hooray.
Funny your Q and A on aging. Didn’t I tell you that getting old is Not, I repeat, Not for Sissies. Lil’ Bro, ya gotta listen. Wait til you have to alter your diet, cleanse insides, start over. Look at it as “those challenges of life” like a new adventure. That’s why I stay 12……LOLJake