Episode #49 – “Can We Talk About Something More Pleasant” by Roz Chast

Memoirs come in all shapes and sizes, and I believe there are as many ways to write memoir as there are people to write them.

Today, we look at a less common approach to writing life stories–the graphic memoir. It might look like a comic book, but it’s definitely not.

Roz Chast’s graphic memoir, Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant, deals with the difficulties surrounding aging parents and their resistance to help.

Watch the video and then, tell us about unusual memoirs you’ve encountered and how you might incorporate some of your non-writing talents, hobbies, or gifts into your stories.

With all the writing you do, remember, the only way to do this wrong is to not do it at all!

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Happy writing, everyone.

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1 year ago

How awesome. It was great to see this Roz Chast graphic memoir. I love the visual and comical way she expressed such a difficult and painful time in her life. I think people going through the same situation with parents (dementia/illness in general/caregiving duties) would see her memoir as a comic relief to their turmoil. But also the reader would learn something about management of this type of caregiving life with a different mindset. I love music. I love to dance. And I love storytelling. Wow seeing this piece about Roz Chast’s graphic memoir just brought to mind that if… Read more »

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