Mark Twain’s Writing Wisdom

One of the United States’ favorite bards, Mark Twain, offers us great writing advice in the way only he can–with humor.
In episode six of the Life Writers vlog, we look at Twain’s writing wisdom taken from Mark My Words: Mark Twain on Writing edited by Mark Dawidziak.
We dip into very, adjectives, lightning, and lightning bugs as only Twain can.
So, what author’s writing advice rings true for you? How do you use this author’s words of wisdom? Share it with us in the comments section below. Happy writing!
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I’ve enjoyed reading Stephen King’s “On Writing.” King walks you through some of his editing processes in this book and explains why it works. He describes it as “completely raw editing, the sort of thing I feel free to do with the door shut – it’s the story undressed, standing up in nothing but its socks and undershorts.”
I will have to get this book by Twain, the examples you gave us, hilarious and oh so true.