Episode 98 – Take It Bird by Bird

Today is the fifth Thursday of the month, so we are going to take a bit of advice from well-known author Anne Lamott. Well, really, it’s a suggestion from Lamott’s father, who was also an accomplished writer.

Anne Lamott recounts a story her father told her ten-year-old brother as he struggled to write a report on birds due the following day. He had put off doing it for three months.

In such a kind way, Lamott’s father told him, “Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.”

That phrase became the title of Lamott’s book, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life, and it serves as a great reminder for us when we feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start writing.

For a brainstorming exercise that shows how to take a broad topic and bring it down to size, check out Bites 14-16 in my book, Eating an Elephant: Write Your Life One Bite at a Time.

You can also get more writing advice from Vlog #24 – Writing About Family Members.

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5 months ago

Putting words on to the paper sometimes start after I guilt myself questioning how many days have I not written? I recount the dreams I have about writing that impactful story that I’m yet to mold with ink. And then I open the manuscript and start writing wherever the screen has selected. I vow not to edit or look back before striking the keyboard or else I’m paused for yet another lifetime questioning.

5 months ago

I associate each writing to the feeling of the moment as I write along. Transpose the feeling onto the moment, era, event to be described. One sense at a time.

5 months ago

I wrote a piece about my writing process, or lack thereof. I understand those stops and starts of writing. Enjoy.

Kit Dwyer
5 months ago
Reply to  Judy

I’m with you too ,Jusy, dragging out the paper and pen to avoid the Solitaire. Looking for a focus from a list….

Maureen Heakin
Maureen Heakin
5 months ago
Reply to  Judy

I really found the random doors and ring of keys to be a great visual description of the possible topics (too many to focus on one), the dark rooms (too ugly to think about). I watched as you walked down that hallway in a bit of a daze. Or was it you watching ME walking down that hallway?

Kit Dwyer
5 months ago

Oh my goodness I love this vlog so much. The examples you gave of your own life, where you started, and stopped, and started again, give me comfort that wherever I am on my writing path is okay, maybe even normal; if that’s a thing. The story you read about Anne Lamott’s little brother, also gave me Inspiration to start writing stories again. Small memories, even if they’re only one to five sentences long can get onto a page, one bird at time. I can start with my tiny idea. One sentence turn may turn into five or ten. I… Read more »

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